Is your performance meeting expectations?

Effective performance management is not just about getting better performance indicator results year on year. This will not be sustainable without embedding a true performance management culture across your organisation. With specialist experience of both the public sector and private sector businesses, our consultants can help you do this by looking at your:

  • Performance management culture
  • Performance management systems
  • Performance management frameworks
  • Target Setting against top quartile performance
  • Challenge
  • Benchmarking
  • Satisfaction
  • Effective governance
  • Managing partnerships
  • Assessing data quality
  • Priority setting

A performance management culture change will only be achieved if it is led from the very top of your organisation, not just in your leadership style, but by having a very clear set of strategic priorities that are filtered down through your business plans and that have clear measurable targets attached to them. Actual performance against these targets must be measured, monitored, reported and, most importantly, acted upon.

YC Change Consultants can help you re-analyse your organisation to see if your people, your strategies, your systems and your approaches to risk, finance, governance and continuous improvement will lead you to an effective, sustainable, performance-managed organisation.

  • We have developed performance cultures, both in your organisation and in partnerships.
  • We have introduced new performance management systems through our preferred partnership supplier.
  • We can help you develop corporate frameworks to ensure that you have a ‘calendar’ of events that is clear for your organisation and that drives a performance management culture forward
  • We can challenge your target-setting processes to ensure that you are both realistic, but yet set motivational, striving targets for the current and future years.
  • We can support you in your benchmarking processes to help you identify your effectiveness and your successes in achieving efficiency.
  • We can also support you in your work capturing customer and staff satisfaction to help you manage performance and improve year on year.

If you would like to know more about our value-for-money service and how it can improve the efficiency of your Performance management then please contact Yvonne Castle on 07974 218726.